Amy Porterfield

Based in Carlsbad, Calif., Amy Porterfield hosts the podcast Online Marketing Made Easy, and is a speaker and trainer who teaches business owners, educators and entrepreneurs profitable strategies for building a highly engaged email list, creating online training courses, and using online marketing strategies to sell with ease.

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Social Media

3 Ways Facebook's 'Conversion Measurement' Can Help Improve Your Ad Strategy

How you can better track and target your advertising campaigns, while also reducing your costs.

Social Media

What You Need To Know About Facebook Mobile Ads

Getting to know the 'Power Editor' tool, plus four ways to get your ad into mobile news feeds.

Social Media

How to Promote Your Business Events on Facebook

Use care in setting up the event, then create excitement with visually compelling posts and ads.

Social Media

This Little-Known Facebook Feature Can Help You Monitor Customers and Competitors

Find ways to nurture existing customers and attract new clients with the social network's 'Interest Lists.'

Social Media

How to Convert Facebook Fans Into Paying Customers

Nurture your fans on Facebook and market to them through email.

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3 Ways to Generate Better Leads on Facebook

How the new page post targeting features can help you provide the right information to the right fans and boost engagement.

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